
Attendance is by appointment.

Antenatal Clinic

Mums-to-be with no health concerns need not see a doctor. Please leave your name with reception or let us know and a midwife will contact you to arrange an appointment.

Baby Checks

Joint clinic run by health visitors and GPs. Please remember to bring your baby’s red book.

Asthma/COPD Clinic

Run by our practice nurses. We normally see patients with asthma and COPD at least once a year even if the patient has been well. Regular monitoring helps us to anticipate and hopefully avoid problems before they arise.

Child Health Surveillance Clinic

The health visitors and a doctor run this clinic to detect any health problems that your child may have as early as possible.

Heart Save Clinic

We participate in a Stockport programme to identify people who are at particular risk of heart disease so that we can try to help those people reduce their risk of a heart attack or stroke.

Diabetic Clinic

A nurse and a doctor run this clinic. Many of our diabetic patients can be cared for by the practice rather than at hospital outpatient clinics. We have more time and can offer more thorough care for diabetic patients at this clinic rather than just seeing these patients in our ordinary surgeries.

Family Planning

All of our doctors would be happy to discuss your family planning needs. If you are interested in an IUCD (coil), IUS (Mirena) or contraceptive implant (Nexplanon), please make a telephone appointment with Dr McEwan. 

Childhood Immunisations

These can be done at the surgery. UK Immunisation Schedule

Minor Surgery and Cryotherapy

We operate regular clinics for minor surgery: Removal of lumps and bumps, freezing of verrucas and other skin lesions, joint injections.

Patients Over 75 Years

If you are aged 75 years or over you should be seen annually either by your doctor, the practice nurse, district nurse or health visitor. This can be arranged at the surgery or, if that is not possible, a home visit will be arranged.

Smoking Cessation

Patients may see a nurse or health care assistant for advice, support, nicotine replacement and medication for stopping smoking. Further information about local stopping smoking and local services can be found here.

Travel Vaccinations

Unfortunately we no longer offer travel vaccinations in practice. However, you can find useful information here.


Non-NHS Services

Some services provided are not covered under our contract with the NHS and therefore attract charges.